Could it be? Yes, it could. Something’s coming, something good…

Hey, gang.

My new CD, This Album is NIT FENNY!, is now available.

Remember last month, when I told you there was going to be a launch party for the album, with lots of cool opening performers? You didn’t think I was lying to you about that, did you? You know I’d never lie to you.

And so the launch is on, baby.
It’s happening on April 2, at the Black Swan Tavern. There’ll be swell opening acts by musicians Kirsten Sandwich, Kari Maaren and Kraken Not Stirred; poet Cynthia Gould; novelist Timothy Carter; and probably some kind of comedy act, TBA. (I’ve heard some fantastic things about TBA. They have fake projectile vomit and everything. Make sure you get seats in the splatter zone.)

Are you on the Facebook? If so, you can RSVP on this event page.

Other than that, I’m still writing lots of articles.

Do you have kidlets? Want to keep them from getting bored over March Break? I have new two pieces on about local playgrounds – both indoor and outdoor.

Also have two new articles on Digital Journal, one a positive review of Cannibal! The Musical (which is still running for another week) and one an informal essay on why The Breakfast Club kind of sucks and Rebel without a Cause holds up better despite being twice its age.

Get with the clicking, buster.

Don’t make me tap the sign.

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